Saturday, December 31, 2011

Luther and his foul mouth

For all you, Lutheran friends who just despise Mark Driscoll for his "potty mouth", he is just competing with the Father of the Reformation, Martin Luther.

Go and read this link, and be amazed as to how the Reformer expressed himself very often.

Would people today would have followed such a guy??? Why are some of us (yes, I admit it) are still following in his footsteps?

Well, it shows that even our heroes are not perfect, only Jesus.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Check out the Jewish Taliban

Look at the girl and her mom in the video. They are dressed well more decent than many people dress to go to some churches today. Yet, for this Ultra-Ortodox Jews, they are not "pure" enough.

This is what happens when those "hassidim" don't work, and have 8 children per family, and apparently spend their whole time in "prayer" and bible study.

For those following the heresy called "Christian Zionism", this is what you are really supporting. Shame on you.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Church made out of ice. That's something you don't see everyday

Well, here in Australia, it's hot, and some churches, even with air conditioning, don't see great numbers of their flocks.

Let me applaud this congregation, who is willing to meet in a temple made out of ice, as a protest for not having a proper worship place.

It goes to show that when we have comfort, we forget why we follow Jesus, and the need we have of him.
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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Joseph Mohr's Famous "Silent Night" Carol

He was an illegitimate child--his mother's third. A child who might have been a casualty of abortion in today's world, grew up to have a name that will forever be associated with the Christmas season.
Students of history remember that in 1792, King Louis XVI of France went on trial for treason before the Revolutionary Convention that had replaced the French National Assembly. His head would roll the following January. But on this day, December 11, 1792, a few days before Christmas--the same day, in fact, that the French king faced his cruel judges--a much quieter event took place. Joseph Mohr was born in Salzburg. 
At the time of his birth, it appeared his name would be associated with nothing but disgrace. When Franz Joseph Mohr learned he'd gotten Ann Schoiber pregnant, he fled the home and deserted the army, leaving the mother to face the music alone, including a steep fine. She was a knitter who earned little. It would have taken her a full year's wage to pay the penalty.
The town's brutal executioner stepped into the picture. He would pay the fine and become the child's godfather. He hoped by doing this to improve his own reputation. But little Joseph's life now bore another stigma: godson of the feared and hated executioner. He was banned from attending school or learning a trade, or even from holding a job.
He loved to sing. While playing on steps leading up to a Capuchin monastery, he was overheard singing by Johann Nepomuk Hiernle, a Benedictine monk and cathedral choirmaster. Hiernle thought the boy's voice so good, he could not bear to see it wasted. He found Ann Schoiber and arranged for Mohr to study with his elite group of students.
Hiernle's kindness was not wasted. Mohr proved to be an outstanding pupil and mastered the organ, violin and guitar by the time he was twelve. He always placed in the top quarter of the class. His training continued and he was ordained a priest in 1815.
Over the course of his life, he was assigned duties in many towns. But it was while he was yet a young assistant in Oberndorf that he won lasting fame. He wrote the words to a new Christmas carol and asked the church organist, Franz Gruber, to set them to music. On Christmas Eve, 1818, the two first sang what has since become the most popular Christmas carol of all time: "Silent Night, Holy Night."
"Silent Night" captures the awesome humility of a God who stooped not just to the level of mankind, but to the lowest level--born among animals and announced to common shepherds.
In his last post, at Wagrain, Mohr opened a school which took in poor children. He gave virtually his entire income to this project and died as poor as he was born. But he left us the riches of "Silent Night" which has been translated into 200 languages. Millions who have never given a thought to Louis XVI sing Joseph Mohr's words every Christmas.
  1. Bell, Mrs. Arthur. Saints in Christian Art. London: George Bell, 1901 - 1904. Source of the image.
  2. Otten, Joseph. "Joseph Mohr." The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton, 1914.
  3. Various internet articles and items in Christmas books.
Last updated Dec. 2011

Monday, December 26, 2011

While some Christians skipped Christmas all together, others died observing it. Disgrace for the Western Church

We here in the West should be ashamed and thank God that we don't fear being blown away if we attend church on Sunday, while others, go to church trusting that their faith will save them, either of dying in a bomb attack, or that they will be taken to heaven with their Lord.

The Western Church has it so easy, and if it doesn't wake up from its slumber, judgment will come upon it.

Yes, I am Latin American

Some people ask me about my background. I am dark, have a bit of an accent, and like to yoke and be "jovial" all the time.

Well, I would like to show you a song that I like very much, and shows how we in Latin America like to party when we can, and how music is important to us.

This song is not Christian, but I hope it encapsulates the Latin American Spirit, and it is one of my favourites:

Friday, December 23, 2011

Piper, without knowing, I also follow your method

If you have read my previous blog entry where Piper speaks about how he learned to preach, you will like this next one.

I am also asked from time to time how I prepare my sermons. I am very careful to whom I say it, but right now, I will make it public. Let me say, I agree with Piper 100%. I also let the adrenalin have a hold of me, and I do my sermon. For me, writing the sermon during the week, takes the whole passion away from the sermon. So, yes, Friday will be the day that I will start researching, but let me give you my steps:

  1. 1. I print the passage, and read it, read it, read it. If it is an epistle, I try to read the whole epistle. If it's a longer book, I try to read as many headings on the text as I can, so I can pick up those themes that have to do with my text. From then, I do a cross reference with the online bible and resource,  I make notes, and more notes. The aim at this stage is that I make the text a part of me, and I know what the text deals with.
  2. The next step is to see what the text in it's original. I majored in Greek, so I go to Great Treasures website. This websites has all the NT texts parsed, so that saves heaps of time. It has 3 levels, beginner, intermediate and advanced. I used intermediate and advanced. At this stage, I try to understand the text as it stands in its original language, what its grammer and structure tells me. I haven't found a similar page in Hebrew, and if you have one, please give us the website in the comments below. Two indispensable resources to deal with the original languages are The New Linguistic and Exegetical Key to the Greek New Testament, and
    A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, 3rd Edition. For the New Testament, these two are a must at this stage of my sermon preparation.
  3. At this stage, after I have the text well into my head, I then go into trying to see what my people needs to hear. I think that if I do this before I go into the commentaries to understand the background of the text, it makes the background of the text to serve the hearers in their everyday life, and not just imparting interesting information about the background of the text, but that is not in any way useful in their everyday life. At this stage, I am looking for the main idea to come out of the text, not me bringing the main idea into the text. I love expository preaching, but I find it sometimes so dry, that people walk away with lots of information, but with no practical knowledge. I know that the greatest thing that has happened in history is the death and resurrection of Jesus, and that's where our future salvation lies. But I don't think we should wait till then to apply that miracle to our lives (the resurrection), but we can reap the benefits here and now. I am not talking about the feel good "gospel" of Joel Osteen or Joyce Meyer, but people like these have tapped into the practical side of the gospel, while Mike Horton and the like stop with the good news being only the salvation of the soul, which is the central message, but can't bring themselves to make the gospel an everyday event. I think that the right tone is between these two positions, although I must confess, I feel at home with the Horton's position, although I am aware of the drawbacks with such a position. So, in my sermon, the Cross is the centre, but I also point out how that sacrifice works out in our lives. 
  4. This is when I go to the commentaries, to see if my ideas are wrong, or to confirm my ideas about the text, and to add also more "meat" to the bones of the sermon. At this stage, I try to set the background of the text for the hearers, and to check my assumptions with other Christians whom I consider wiser and more knowledgable than me. The message has also to be historical, meaning, that the Gospel is a historical message. and it is good to keep in tune with other christians who have wrestled with the text in other contexts, and in other eras. One of the resources that help me to deal with the text from a theological point of view are the volumes from The Lectionary Commentary: Theological Exegesis for Sunday's Texts, which deals with from all the readings found in the Lectionary. Yes, I am a lectionary man, I confess it.  But then again, I feel compel to do it, because it creates a discipline for me, that I preach all that I need to preach, not what I want to preach, and keeps me in hand with historical Christianity.
  5. I do all of this on Friday and Saturday, and I go to sleep very early on Saturday. I wake up on Sunday very early, and put it together. Some would criticise that I haven't given myself enough time to put the sermon together, but I have found that if I do the sermon that way, I get much more out of it. Like Piper says, it works for him, it's not going to work for everybody. I really dislike the other preachers telling me that I should have the sermon done by the Friday. When I used to do that, I lost all passion to preach the manuscript by Sunday. It felt for me like I was reading non-sense, since I had no passion for it. It was something that I had done so long ago in my timeline, that it had lost its grip on me. Again, that's how it worked for me, it may not work with others like that. The problem is when you want to impose upon others what works for you, and make it like the only way to do sermons, and put down those who do it differently. God works differently with people, and we must let God do his work in people who are entrusted to share His word from the pulpit. At this stage, I finally bring all together into one sermon. I do it at least 4 hours before the sermon is actually delivered. I let all the I have read and studied "stew" during the Saturday night, and write it down on the Sunday morning, usually from 6 to 8 am, and then I preach it around 10:30 am, and it's fresh in my head.  Notice, I didn't mentioned prayer. Why? It is during my personal devotions that I pray for enlightenment. I have seen many preachers pray just for the Sunday sermon to come out good. I pray for that as well, but I keep in mind that if God used an ass to give his message, I am equipped by Him to do the same. I rather, trust in the Lord that He will inspire me.  The book that has helped me the most to put my sermon together has been The Homiletical Plot, Expanded Edition: The Sermon as Narrative Art FormMy previous pastor disliked the book, since even the author acknowledges that preaching in that form is rather a gift, not something learned. Jesus used stories, not points and subpoints for his message. Let's go back to preach the Jesus' way!!!!
  6. This is a new step in my sermon preparation, and one that many of my Reformed and Lutheran friends abhor. I put a keynote together in order to give a visual appeal to my sermon. People today need to see something to link it in their minds with what it's being said. Jesus' teachings in the temple reminds me of this. When he said in John 8:12 that he is the light of the world, he is referring to the four Menorahs placed at the four sides of the temple, which represented the light of the world. This is one of many visual examples that Jesus gave during his ministry, but the prophets were sometimes even dramatic in the way they conducted themselves, Hosea having a prostitute as a wife, or Ezekiel's wife dying in Ezekiel 24. Today, we have lost such an appeal, except for those tele-evangelist, who again the Hortons of the world criticise so much. People like Horton don't see the need to do such things, because they are following Paul's way of doing things, instead of Jesus. Imagine Horton and the like criticising Jesus by making some mud with his spit and place it into somebody's eyes, or Agabus taking Paul's belt and putting it around him to give his message (Acts 21:10-11)!!!! Yes, Paul says that people will come to faith by the preaching of the word, but the word incarnate did things himself while preaching that same word. Paul also did miracles, and the issue he was tackling was against those who took the melo-dramatic too far, not curtailing all melo-dramatic or visual aides. We are human after all, and the Hortons of the world put Jesus methods down without intent for sure, but they would consider Jesus' preaching and teaching methods, along with the prophets, of no use today. Tele-evangelist are what Paul is attacking, those who only emphasise the melo-dramatic, but don't preach the core of the Gospel. It's very difficult to keep both, as it is very difficult to conceive that Jesus is both mand and God. This final stage (although I pick up the pictures along my sermon preparations) gives me the visual aides in order to convey my message better to those hearing me. It helps me personally since it keeps me on track, and does not allow me to go down my own rabbit holes, since I have to stick talking of what's on the screen. I have to admit something here as well, where did I learn to do this? Steve Jobs, who was the master of this. The one mistake that preachers do when using the projector, is that they feel it with words. People are listening to words already, and what they want, is to see how these words look like. When I read that Jobs had a similar view, I just embraced the projector.

Well, after giving you my methods of preaching, I leave you once again, with Piper, and his way of putting the sermon together.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Happy Hanukkah from a Jewish Zebra

My brother Carlos today wished me a happy Hanukkah. I thank him for reminding me of my ancestry.

Well, I am a full Christian, not Messianic Jew or anything else. Still, is nice to remember where one is from.

Well, I found this picture that I think even he will find it funny:

What makes a good preacher?

I have had a big trouble for some time regarding preaching. My issue is that the people I have served under have always criticised my preaching style. And I am not talking about the hearers, but about those who have been preaching, in some cases, as long as I have lived!!!

I have a philosophy, going to seminary, I got a -B for preaching, not as bad as Piper, but still not an A+. I have come to realise, like Piper seems to have in the video, that not following the professors view of preaching can lead you to be seen as a mediocre preacher, or someone who has not learned the principles of hermeneutics or exegesis.

Well, I know hermeneutics, and did my Greek and Hebrew, but I didn't share my last pastor's philosophy of preaching at all. He did a Master of Theology with a preaching concentration, but I told him once, a preacher is borne a preacher, whatever one learns along the way, is an add on, nothing else. People can get Master or Doctorates of preaching, but what you are doing is just proving to that faculty that you can preach to their ideal way of preaching, and not to the people's needs or style that they would understand.

I've been doing ministry for the last 13 years, and now that I am flying solo, I am preaching the way I feel I should preach, and some churches have ask for me to come time and time again to preach, and one, even asked me to take over their church!!! Preaching is only one part of my ministry, but to me, it's a great part. Like Piper, I feel extremely excited about the text, and I run with it. I do my exegesis, I do my work, but there are some that may take 10 hours what it takes me 3 to put together. I am not claiming that I am better than them. All I am claiming that God has given me, or Piper, the key of proclaiming the gospel to our hearers. I used to be ashamed of this, or even scared, but I have seen that once must embrace what God has given to me, and share it with others.

This video about Piper, has really "released me", and I hope that it does the same to many other young, and old preachers, who don't want to follow the same old crowd, that believes that there are other ways of preaching than the one they were thought 40 yrs ago. I hope I don't get that way when I grow old. I hope to see in others what God is doing through them, and accept that God is doing something different for a new generation.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Can't wait to get my hands on this book

N. T. Wright is one of the best minds, if not the best mind for the church today.

Those who dismiss him, as Scott McKnight has said, do at their peril (yes, Jim West whom I admire does, but nobody is perfect).

Here are the two video intros of his new book, Simply Jesus:

Wow, I wish I could hear about this Jesus from pulpits today. This is the biblical, not the imagined, romanticised or spiritualised Jesus:

So, for those who think that Wright is a liberal, well, if you don't like the biblical Jesus, you are the liberal ones my friends.

Unreasonable Atheists feel excluded and intimidated for seeing a Christmas Nativity scene. These people are whimps!!

If you feel excluded and intimidated for seeing a Nativity Scene, then my friend, you need to go to the Psychiatrist and check yourself.

Up to 5,000 people joined a rally on Saturday in support of a Nativity scene in Texas that a Wisconsin-based atheist group wanted to take down.The atheist Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) had sent a letter to authorities in Henderson County, Texas, saying that a local resident had complained and that the Nativity should be removed from the courthouse lawn in Athens.Nathan Lorick, the pastor of the First Baptist Church in Malakoff and one of the organizers of Saturday’s rally in Athens, said: 'We are humbled at the turnout of the crowd.'
I don't agree with many things that the people of Texas do and believe, but for once, they finally did something worth while.

But if atheist feel threatened by a nativity scene, they must be really intellectually challenged. For people who appeal to reason all the time, their complain doesn't sound "reasonable":

The FFRF said that for non-Christians, the Nativity sent a message of intimidation and exclusion.But their outcry in turn lead to anger through Texas.The Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott sent out a 'don't mess with texas' message and said he would defend the county if the atheists sued.
 Well, watch the turn out that this incident created. It is refreshing for Christians to stand up for what is right.

BIbledex on two usages of the Bible. Very contemporary presentation

Children get their sex education from porn. Not a good sign.

For those of us who have children, and who have at least 3 computers at home that connect to the internet, we must pay attention to this type of news.

A rising number of children are learning about sex from watching pornography because sex education lessons are inadequate, researchers have found.
I have known this for years. It is not up to teachers to teach the children about sex, it should be up to their parents.

The average age at which children first watch pornography is just 11, interviews with 140 pupils, teachers and people working in the porn industry also revealed.
Australian researchers Maree Crabbe and David Corlett said children were turning to adult films because schools were not handling the positive aspects of sex. 
I remember when I had sex ed at school, they told me how to use a condom, but why did I need a condom for, I was never told!!! And as I remember, every time the word  "sex" was mentioned, I remember the other kids going, "oooooh". So, the approach used by the teachers, even today, are not the right ones.

Mary Clegg, chair of the British Association of Sexual Educators, agreed there was a shortfall in sex education at schools.
"A lot of our sex education is based on a don't-do model," she said.
"But young people are hungry for more explicit information. They're curious and they're hormone-driven."

So true!! Hormone driven kids want to see sex from an explicit perspective. But it is also true that the model used for sex ed has been about what not to do in sex, and never what is allowed. It is easier for people to talk what not to do in sex than what is expected to happen during sex.

The research found 88 per cent of scenes in pornographic films showed an element of physical aggression, with most directed at the female participant. Pupils also appeared to believe that sexual practices shown in porn were normal features of sexual relationships. 
 That's what really worries me!! What children are seeing on tv, is what they are going to expecto to do and act during their sexual lives.

Now, from a christian perspective, we should be teaching our kids about sex ed, so when they get married, they can enjoy the knowledge they have with their spouse. Teaching kids sex ed so they can have sex from a very young age, it's plainly wrong. Should we start teaching kids from a very young age about being responsible drinkers in the hope that they can start drinking at such an early age?

Anyway, I am concern about this trend, that porn becomes our children's sex teacher. This will only create divorces in the long run, and I guess, none of us want that for our kids.  Let's give our children the trust to talk to us about sex, and as the parents we are, will have some influence on their perspective of what sex. I can't imagine that they think that their dads do to their moms what they see in such movies, and still claim that they love them.

A tragedy for all involved

Friday, December 16, 2011

Christopher Hitchens has died

A very outspoken atheist, has passed away.

Read Douglas Wilson obituary in Christianity Today to learn more about his life.

Apparently, he held onto his atheism all the way to his grave. If only some Christians would hold on to their faith the same!!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

What do Muslims and Jews have in common? They oppose the Christmas trees in Bethlehem!!

That's right, you read right. And this is for you, all my Zionist friends who think that Israel today can do no wrong, and that you rather be on the side of Israel, unbelievers, than being on the side of your fellow brothers and sisters. Check this out:

The mayor of Nazareth Illit, an Israeli town with an Arab Christian minority, has declared a ban on the public display of Christmas trees. "Nazareth Illit is a Jewish city and it will not happen--not this year and not next year, so long as I am a mayor," Mayor Shimon Gapso said. Arab Christians, who make up about 7 percent of the town's 40,000 residents, were denied their request to put up Christmas trees in their neighborhoods.
 That's right, my Zionist friends, there are Arab Christians who suffer for their faith both from Muslims, and you dearly beloved Jewish people. Finally both Jews and Muslims have found a common enemy, Christians!!

And if yo don't believe me, hear it from other christians:
His decision angered the town's Arab and Christian minority, who accused him of racism. "The racism of not putting a tree up is nothing compared to the real racism that we experience here," said Aziz Dahdal, a 35-year-old Christian resident of Nazareth Illit.
"When we asked the mayor to put up a Christmas tree in the Arab neighbourhoods of Nazareth Illit he said this is a Jewish town, not a mixed town," said Shukri Awawdeh, a Muslim Arab member of the town council. ... "We told him that decorating a tree is just to share the happiness and cheer with other people in the town," said Awawdeh.
 So, racism under the radar, or is it ok because it is done against Christians???

Can you imagine banning Menorah's for Hanukah? Jews would be crying out loud claiming they are being discriminated against. And as Muslims banning the name of Jesus Christ from phone texts, this is just another example how other religions, including Judaism, has it against Christianity.

Fox news can't have it either way. They love to justify Israel for every single atrocity it does, and at the same time they are running their "war against Christmas" campaign. I would like to see what they are going to do!!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Some Students don't know what the BIble is all about!!

Via Jim West.

Take this gem from a student paper (via P. Long on the twitter) -
“After killing a Hebrew slave, Moses fleas Egypt to live in the Sinai dessert.”
1- Moses didn’t kill a Hebrew slave, he killed an Egyptian.
2- He didn’t ‘fleas’ he ‘fled’.
3- The Sinai isn’t a ‘dessert’, it’s a desert.
4- Moses fled to Midian, the text says nothing about his fleeing to Sinai.
Such student blunders could easily be avoided if only they actually bothered to read the Bible (and spell). 
Ex 2:11 One day after Moses had become an adult, he went out among his people and he saw their forced labor. He saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his own people. 12 He looked around to make sure no one else was there. Then he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand. 13 When Moses went out the next day, he saw two Hebrew men fighting with each other. Moses said to the one who had started the fight, “ Why are you abusing your fellow Hebrew? ” 14 He replied, “ Who made you a boss or judge over us? Are you planning to kill me like you killed the Egyptian? ” Then Moses was afraid when he realized: They obviously know what I did. 15 When Pharaoh heard about it, he tried to kill Moses. But Moses ran away from Pharaoh and settled down in the land of Midian.

Gay penguin turns straight. Nature reclaims its place in the animal kingdom

Last month, I blogged about how two penguins in Canada were considered gay and there was outrage when they were separated in order for them to mate with a female penguin so that their specie would continue.

Well, it turns out that the penguins were not gay at all, rather, they just needed to be around other female penguins. This type of news is not gonna go down well with those radicals who claimed that these were gay penguins, and were to be left alone to live on their "Brokeback Iceberg":

Toronto's zoo separated a pair of male penguins, Buddy and Pedro, last month to boost numbers of the endangered birds. The birds' unlikely affection for each other drew headlines around the world with cries of "Brokeback iceberg".
The Canadian zoo said on Monday that following the forced separation, one of the penguins, Buddy, had mated with a female. Pedro has yet to get lucky, but officials say it's not for a lack of trying.
Many gay activists were mad that these two penguins were not allowed to experience their love, but it turns out, it wasn't love after all.
Curator Tom Mason describes their bond as social - not sexual - and says when the birds rejoin the general population, they are likely to stay with their female matches.

So, there you go, once again, gay activists are proven wrong, and nature continues on, without taking notice of their wicked agenda.

Thank God he has placed nature to work like it works. It doesn't matter how much they protest, these people won't ever change God's creation.

This is a new Christmas decorations. Grenades in the Christmas tree.

I blogged a couple of days ago about some Texan Christmas decorations, and now, I find that those in Sweden are even worst than those in Texas. They are now putting Grenades on their Christmas trees, for charity!
“Support Christian Aid and their work for peace and against poverty by buying our Christmas ornaments which are a subtle reminder of those who are less fortunate than we are during the holiday season,” the museum says on its website in promoting the initiative. 
“How in Lord's name can they come up with such ans idiotic idea to make Christmas tree balls shaped like hand grenades? Sick! Shameful,” another upset woman told Sveriges Radio programme Ring P1.
 This is being done for charity! That's what makes it even worst!!

Well, I just hope that they won't start putting machine guns for Christmas decorations.

Is "Jesus Christ" an obscene word? In Pakistan it is

You find a lot of things in the West that reject Jesus Christ as the reason for the season (sorry for the cliche, but it is necessary). But if you think we as Christians have it hard in the West against, take a look at the Christians in Pakistan, what they have to endure. They are not allowed to mention "Jesus Christ" in their sms texts that they write to each others.
The Pakistan Telecommunications Authority (PTA) has banned “Jesus Christ” from use in text messages, among a list of terms deemed “false, fabricated, indecent or obscene”.
So now, just writting the name of Jesus, and his title, Christ (anointed) has become a source of punishment.  So, from where did they take this great idea? Well, their own law allows them to carry on with such discrimination:
Telecommunication Act (1996), which prohibits people from transmitting messages that are “false, fabricated, indecent or obscene”. It also stated that free speech can be restricted “in the interest of the glory of Islam”.
So in the interest of the glory of Islam, they should also ban the name of Issa (Jesus in the Koran) from their sacred text, but they won't do it. Do you see the idiocy of such a proposal? It's not consistent with their own practices.

Thankfully, Christians in Asia are not like Christians in the West, who always stay put when ever their faith is attacked:

Christians have reacted angrily to the inclusion of “Jesus Christ” on the list, which features obscenities and sexual references.
Joseph Dias, general secretary of a South Asian Christian human rights group, said:
One wonders why gods of other religions have not been mentioned in the list and Christians, who are already facing persecution in Pakistan, have been singled out for such treatment.
Apart from being an idiotic move from the Pakistan government, it is also a hypocritical one, as an advocacy agency has noticed:
The Pakistani campaign group Bytes For All (BFA) said that it will challenge the PTA’s order in court, describing it as “a new, ruthless wave of moral policing” that violated rights to free speech and privacy.
The BFA also said:
If such a thing happened in any other country, there would be an outrage already and if it was directed (mistakenly or intentionally) towards Muslims, the amount of outrage would be uncontrollable. 
Yes, it such a thing would take place here in Australia, they would torch Telstra, and destroy other things around the world until such an "injustice" is corrected.

These are our allies in the war against terrorism? I hope that the alliance between the USA, Australia and Pakistan brakes down for good, and then, we will know how much committed that country is for freedom.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Bethlehemian Rhapsody

In the great traditions of the Psalms, taking songs from the surrounding nations, and claiming them for God, here we have a modern take on that tradition.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

A good answer from God to those who try to use Scripture without having any commitment to Him

Psalm 50:16-22

English Standard Version (ESV)

 16But to the wicked God says:
   "What right have you to recite my statutes
   or take my covenant on your lips?

17 For you hate discipline,

    and you cast my words behind you.

18If you see a thief, you are pleased with him,

    and you keep company with adulterers.

 19"You give your mouth free rein for evil,
    and your tongue frames deceit.

20You sit and speak against your brother;

   you slander your own mother’s son.

21These things you have done, and I have been silent;

   you thought that I was one like yourself.
But now I rebuke you and lay the charge before you.

 22"Mark this, then, you who forget God,
   lest I tear you apart, and there be none to deliver!

So, next time you want to use Scripture, unbeliever, you know what's coming to you. Give your life to Christ, read and understand his word, and then, you may be able to use the word of God, AS HE INTENDED, NOT AS YOU WANT TO USE IT NOW!!!

Good to see I am not alone. The trials and toils of christian ministry

Some time ago, I went to preach to a church. Afterwards, one of the leaders invited me to his house, and told me how annoyed one of the members was because he felt that my preaching was not good enough, and that I should give up being a pastor for that.  I felt bad.

I still remember the sermon, was on the great commission. I preached the same sermon at my home church some weeks before, and the senior pastor, who holds a Masters in Preaching, said it was a very well put, well developed sermon, which emphasised on the biblical theology of the great commission. I thought it was a good thing that this particular church learned some biblical theology too. What I got, was that a life long baptist said that what I preached was not a sermon at all!!!!!! Well, sorry, Peter in Acts 2 used biblical theology to support his points, but apparently, this man had never heard of such a thing!!! I saw him in one of our denominational gatherings, and somehow, he was hiding from me. He knew that I was in charged of a church, and well, had to eat his own words.

But I find what happened to Zwingli a source of consolation. Read a section of what he wrote about what was going on with him:

.. The hurry of business and the care of the churches occupy me to such a degree, that Dr. Engelhardt lately told me, he wondered that I had not before this time become distracted. For instance, I have been ten times called off since I began this letter. From Suabia they write to me for what I am not competent to perform for them; though I do what I can. From every part of Switzerland I am applied to by those who are in difficulties for Christ’s sake. If however any thing occurs in which I can be of use to you, do not spare me—for I hope for more leisure.…  (Trans. J. Scott).

I placed in bold what really struck me. As with me, he was told that he wasn't good enough for some people in Suabia. In my case, it was church in Melbourne's western suburbs.

It really bothers me when churches think so high of themselves, and want to make those who want to serve Christ and his church fell like a lesser kind of christian. Take a closer look, I didn't say "minister", but christian.

I admit, some don't have the gift of preaching, or visiting, or to do pastoral work to some people's high standards, but if you think you can do a better job, do it yourself, and then, brace yourself for the criticism.

I serve Christ, and his church under Christ's guidance. I wish all congregations would understand that some time, and treat their ministers as servants of God's, not servants of man:

Galatians 1:10
New International Version (NIV)
 10 Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.

So there you go, I will listen to suggestions, but I must serve Christ, and please him with my ministry, not you!

P.D. This is a reflection of my past ministry, not a commentary on my present one.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Who or what is Leviathan?

Surely, it's not a character of a PS3, XBox 360 or Nintendo Wii game.

While on the subject of Old Testament, I would like to commend you to a piece written by Wilfred G. Lambert (recently deceased) about the identity of Leviathan.

You can find this interesting article at Jim West's blog. You must, though, follow the arrow at the lower right, so you can read the whole article.

A very good discussion about a very enigmatic creature.

First Lady of the Philistines - Prof. Louise Hitchcock

Have you ever wanted to know more about the Philistines? Well, if you are a bible reader, you must engross your self in their history, since they had so many wars against Israel, and are mentioned a lot in the historical books of the Old Testament.

Profesor Louise Hitchcock, from the University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, was interviewed by Israel Radio, and gives a lengthy background about the Philistines. You can also find the lecture on iTunes.

This type of study is very important to hear and digest. We understand so much about ancient Israel, and also, get over many "legends" that are present today among Christians, who see the present Palestinians as descendant of the Philistines, therefore, are fair game, a.k.a, is ok to kill them and dispossess them from their lands.

Anyway, this sort of lectures are good for all who are interested to hear. It is also good to be informed about the latest archeological findings and advancements, and not rely on Simcha Jacobonici for archeological info.

A Conference you might want to attend if you are in the UK

Beyond Old and New Perspectives on Paul:
A two-day conference critically engaging with Douglas Campbell’s proposals in
The Deliverance of God: An Apocalyptic Rereading of Justification in Paul

Friday 16th December: The Problem 
(venue: conference room, KCL)
10:00-10:10am: Opening and welcome, Richard Burridge, KCL
10:10am-12:00 midday: Presuppositional issues, chair Eddie Adams, KCL

∞ Opening remarks on the recent debate: Chris Tilling, St Mellitus (15 minutes)
∞ The presuppositional theological issues: Alan J. Torrance, St Andrews (25 minutes)
∞ The view from the Reformation: Graham Tomlin, St Mellitus (25 minutes)
∞ Panel discussion, followed by plenary discussion (45 minutes)
12:00 midday-1:00pm: Lunch (catered)
1:00-3:00pm: Arian versus Athanasian readings of Paul, chair Eddie Adams
∞ The capture of Paul’s Gospel by Arianism: Douglas Campbell, Duke (25)
∞ Campbell’s Apocalyptic Gospel and Pauline Athanasianism: Chris Tilling (35)
∞ Panel discussion, followed by plenary discussion (60 minutes)
3:00-3:45pm: Afternoon tea (catered)
3:45-5:30pm: Towards the elimination of the Arian reading, chair Alan J. Torrance
∞ Connecting the dots: one problem, one text, and the way forward: Douglas Campbell (35)
∞ Response: David Hilborn, St Mellitus (20)
∞ Panel discussion, followed by plenary discussion (50 minutes)
5:30pm- : Wine reception (sponsored by Eerdmans, and Duke Divinity School)

Saturday 17th December: A Solution
(venue: the Chapel, KCL)
10:00-10:05am: Welcome, Richard Burridge, KCL 
10:05-12:00 midday: The interpretation of Romans 1-3, chair Chris Tilling

∞ Rereading Romans 1-3: Douglas Campbell (40 minutes)
∞ Response: Robin Griffith-Jones, KCL (15 minutes)
∞ Panel discussion, followed by plenary discussion (60 minutes)
12:00midday-1:00pm: Lunch (catered)
1:00pm-3:00pm: The Interpretation of Paul’s dikaio- language: chair Eddie Adams
∞ Rereading Paul’s terminology: Douglas Campbell (45)
∞ Response: Scott Hafemann, St Andrews (15)
∞ Panel discussion, followed by plenary discussion (60 minutes)
3:00-3:45pm: Afternoon tea (catered)
3:45-4:45pm: The interpretation of Paul’s faith language: chair, Eddie Adams
∞ Campbell’s proposals concerning “faith” in Deliverance: Chris Tilling (25)
∞ Response: Douglas Campbell (5)
∞ Panel discussion, followed by plenary discussion (30)
4:45-5:45pm: Conference plenary: Where do we go from here?: chair, Jeremy Begbie, Duke (60 minutes)

Some American Christmas decorations

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Johnny Depp sad depictions of Jesus

This is open season against Jesus and Christianity. Johnny Depp seems to have joined the anti-Christian movement, and has come up with a song that depicts Jesus as a drunk, that at the end dies, a la Amy Winehouse style.

This is how ABC presents the story:

When you sing about Jesus getting drunk and passing out, you’re going to outrage a few people. Or a lot, if you’re Johnny Depp.
Depp and the band Babybird released a controversial new song in time for Christmas: “Jesus Stag Night Club.” In it, a Jim Morrison-sounding singer croons about a group of teenagers who hire a Jesus doppelganger to organize a bachelor party. By the end of the song, we learn that the doppelganger is actually the real deal and the son of God is absolutely blitzed and/or dead.
 I've heard the song, and I understand why they did it, the music is crap, so they need to to spice things, outrage some people, so they can sell the record due to the publicity they would get.

Key lyrics include: “Saw a man in a bar with his hair like a lady/ Bloody thorns round his ear like he was a crazy/ He had holes in his hands and a cross for a spine/ Crushed a berry in his Perrier and called it wine.”
And: “Saw a man lying on the floor beaten up/ He had a fish finger sandwich and a yellow M coffee cup/ I bent down drunk and tried to pick him up/ But when I turned around I could see it was Jesus.”
Hair like a lady? I think Johnny Depp looks like like a lady in his pirate movies!! What's crazier, is that the Christian Coalition says that Johnny Depp and his band will burn in hell for this. I don't think they will, yet, burn in hell, they are still alive, and may come to repentance.

But comes the infamous Perez Hilton. He has an entry on his blog with this title:

Extreme Christian Groups Out To Get Johnny Depp!

Extreme? At least they don't make people loose their jobs because they don't like Depp, as prop 8 gay activist did in California, or kissed a pastor in order to shut him up.
The hypocrisy of this.....individual, knows no bounds:

So instead of leading by example and spreading joy and peace this Christmas season, some Christian groups are focused on controversy — specifically stirring the pot when it comes to a Johnny Depp tune they denounce as blasphemous.
It is Depp and his band who are doing the wrong against us Christians, yet, Hilton wants to portray those who are the target of attack as the bad guys, in this case, Christians. It is Depp and his band who started the controversy, not Christians. you can see how Hilton is so biased in his judgement.

He praises the rebuttal from the Band's front man:

Christians go to heaven. Sinners go to hell. This is their message of peace. Oh yes and gays can f–k off too. It's a beautiful world, Jesus.
Every song I've ever written is full to the brim with meaning, and this song takes the idea that if Jesus was around today, he would probably be laying low, like I was, in a Days Inn single room, staying incognito to prevent fueling any religious hatred.
If they were true Jesus lovers, they wouldn't own CD players and iPods, they would be wandering the world preaching love and understanding.

This guy is so ignorant of the Christians faith. First, the message of peace is that through Jesus we all, Christians who are also sinners, go to heaven. Second, Jesus was never trying to hide in a single room anywhere, he went up and down 1st century Judea preaching the gospel. Even he taught us not to hide the gospel, like he did not:
Luke 8:16 “No one lights a lamp and hides it in a clay jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, they put it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light. 17 For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Third, why wouldn't Jesus' lovers have ipods, or CD players? And he would object to Christian preaching the Love of God, since that kind of love would not allow him to enjoy his sinful life, so Steven, stop complaining a playing the victim. It's you and your band who is doing the attack, not Christians.

But Hilton is so ignorant and stupid, that he applauds Steven's response:

Well said, Stevey!!
If they really wanted to show Johnny the gospel, acting as the judge themselves probably isn't going to do anything for their case!

Well said? His stupidity comes out of his ears!!! He doesn't want to hear the Gospel, neither does Steven or Depp.

Let them try to sing a song against Mohammed. Yes, I would like to see if they have the guts to endure somebody burning their offices, or their CDs (after they are stolen, of course, those guys wouldn't pay to hear blasphemy).

Christianity becomes an easy target for these bigots. We must learn to intelligently answer to them, and not merely send them to hell. That fuels their hatred against Christianity, and also their false beliefs.