Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Deep within him Dick Cheney knows he is a war criminal

Former Vice President Dick Cheney's memoir, "In My Time: A Personal and Political Memoir," is out Tuesday, and it's full of criticism and attacks on his Bush administration colleagues -- from describing Condoleezza Rice as "tearfully admitting" he was right on the war in Iraq to revealing private conversations with George W. Bush on the eve of the Iraq war.

He reserves much of his ire for former Secretary of State Colin Powell, and now Powell and his longtime aide and chief of staff, Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, are attempting to set the record straight. In no uncertain terms. Cheney, Wilkerson told ABC News, "was president for all practical purposes for the first term of the Bush administration" and "fears being tried as a war criminal."

At least it shows that although he may be one of the nastiest individuals in the planet, he has a conscious, and it's telling him that he is no better than Bin Ladden, Gaddafi or Mubarak. There will be no true justice, until war criminals, they being either dictators or democratically elected, be brought to justice. Yes, just because they were elected, and served their term, does not excuse them of their crimes.

For my friends who may point out that I am anti-American, pay a look at who are saying this things. They are people that have served the United States more than my critics ever will in their life times.

Monday, August 29, 2011

A Parable by N. T. Wright

The Violin Guild by N.T. Wright from Calvary Arts & Media on Vimeo.

N. T. Wright has done a very good parable, that has been now created as a video version by Calvary Church.

Enjoy, and may it be of great blessings to you.

Friday, August 26, 2011

The World is getting fatter

Putting a little bit of kilos has never been a good thing. A new study by the Lancet, shows that we are gradually moving towards an obese society.

"We are in an obesity and chronic disease crisis, although it doesn't feel like it," said Boyd Swinburn, from the WHO Collaborating Centre for Obesity Prevention and lead author of the paper. "Governments have been very slow to act [against obesity] around the world...abdicating the responsibility largely to individuals."

That means that governments are yet to take responsibility, like curtailing tv ads promoting food that increases weight, or even taxing certain exercise activities.

And to have a run down of how certain countries are seen as obese, the following are bad, and the US does not look like to have a good future.

In Japan, about one in every 20 adult women is obese, compared to one in four in Jordan, one in three in the United States and Mexico, and up to seven in 10 in Tonga.

In the United States, where health officials have termed obesity an epidemic, more than 50 percent of the adult population could be obese by 2030 if current trends continue, a team from Columbia University and Harvard University wrote in a separate paper in the series.

All of this reminds me of the movie "Wall-E", where the world has gone fat, and have to leave in spaceships.

Read more about it here.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Speed Cameras don't save lives

Hopefully here in Australia, the police will finally come clean, and admit as well that their cameras are just revenue gathering devises, that have not saved a life, EVER!!!!

Read this, and see how the British are leading the way into this realisation, from the police, but that motorist knew all along.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

No marriage is bad for kids

I have a lot of friends who are just cohabiting (living together as a couple without getting married) and yet, producing children. Some see this as a good option, since there can be some problems, and one or both in the couple can opt to go their own way.

To me, this is not common sense, but a way to get sex for free, no commitment or responsibilities, and to avoid having to confront the problems that a committed relationship such as marriage must face from time to time.

The study from Virginia University in the USA gives us 5 reasons why co-habiting is not good for children.

1. Children are less likely to thrive in cohabiting households,
compared to intact, married families
2. Family instability is generally bad for children
3. American family life is becoming increasingly unstable for
children. (This is true for most of Western culture)
4. The growing instability of American family life also means
that contemporary adults and children are more likely to live
in what scholars call “complex households,”. (Again, this is easily applied to other countries)
5. The nation’s retreat from marriage has hit poor and working class communities with particular force.

The last point is of great concern, since the article goes on to say that the better off and better educated you are, the most likely you will marry, while those worst off and less educated, won't.

This should sound alarms to those who are practicing cohabitation. Although some cohabitating parents do have a successful relationship, the trend is that kids being brought up in such relationships, will generally have a lesser chance at succes in life than those who are raised within a marriage.

Read the article, and be informed.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Luther's idea for driving Satan off

From the Tischreden-

On April 5 a pastor came from the church in Süptitz, near Torgau, to complain of apparitions and disturbances caused by Satan. He said that Satan disturbed his peace with nocturnal tumults and the smashing of all the utensils in his house. Satan hurled pots and dishes close to his head, so that they broke in pieces, and Satan annoyed him by laughing outloud, although he saw nothing of him. For a whole year, the pastor said, he had endured these and many other trials, so that his wife and children wished to leave [the house].

Luther responded, “Dear Brother, be strong in the Lord and firm in your faith! Don’t give in to that robber! Suffer the outward things and the minor damage that comes from the breaking of pots, for it can’t harm you in body and soul, as you have found, for the angel of the Lord is with you. Let Satan play with the pots. Meanwhile pray to God with your wife and children [and say], ‘Be off, Satan! I’m lord in this house, not you. By divine authority I’m head of this household, and I have a call from heaven to be pastor of this church. I have testimony from heaven and earth, and this is what I rely on. You enter this house as a thief and robber. You are a murderer and a scoundrel. Why don’t you stay in heaven? Who invited you to come here?’ In this way you should sing him his litany and his legend and let him play as long as he pleases.

“I was often pestered [by the devil] when I was imprisoned in my Patmos, high up in the fortress in the kingdom of the birds. I resisted him in faith and confronted him with this verse: God, who created man, is mine, and all things are under his feet.129 If you have any power over him, try it!”

Then he told a story about a woman in Magdeburg who, when Satan disturbed her, drove him away by breaking wind. “This example is not always to be followed and is dangerous,” Luther said, “because Satan, who is the spirit and author of presumption, is not easily mocked and put to flight. Reliance on such an example can prove that it’s not at all appropriate for somebody else. So it once happened that a horned specter of Satan lost his horn when a godly man boasted of his baptism, but when another man foolishly tried to imitate this example, he was killed by Satan.”

Good on Luther. But let's remember, his drinking sprees led him to say such things. Breaking wind to drive off the Satan. That's a new one for me!!!!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

No liberty to say what you think if you are teacher against gay marriage

This teacher, cannot say what he thinks about "gay marriage" in his own facebook page, on his own computer, on his own time.

There will be a time that even thinking that homosexuality is wrong, will be outlaw, and those who thing such things will be taken to mental institutions to have a lobotomy done to your brain.

No kidding, these people are so radical, that they would re-introduce such a negligible procedure in order to prove their point.

Read the news, and give your opinion.

The true "christianity" of Anders Behring Breivik

So much for a "Christian Fundamentalist" that doesn't believe in the bodily resurrection of Jesus!!!

But truly, I like that this guy at least is honest, and says that he is an "agnostic" or "atheist christian". I have a lecturer who doesn't believe in the bodily resurrection of Jesus, and promotes gay marriage, in the name of Christ.

One, admits that he is done evil, but he doesn't take his cues from Jesus, although he believes in a christian culture. The other, upholds evil and heresy, in the name of the love of Jesus!!!!

Who do you think is really crazy, my lecturer or Breivik?

You can read more about the weird views of Breivik in the following link.

Norwegian murderer Anders Behring Breivik reveres Christendom, not Christ

Forcing charities to give children to gay couples, is not on!

Many had said it before, but not many wanted to believe it. Once "gay marriage" would come into effect, it would give gays more freedom at the expense of the freedom of children, for example, to have a family with a mom and dad.

In what could be another example of a same-sex law trumping religious freedom, an Illinois judge has ruled the state can end its adoption and foster care relationship with Catholic Charities, which refuses to place children with gay couples.

This was coming in the pipeline. And to and insult to the injury, check how they are calling this new move:

The new law is named, ironically, the Illinois Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Union Act. It grants same-sex couples the state legal benefits of marriage, except the name itself.

Incredible!!!! Freedom for whom?

And I like the way the article ends:

For years, traditionalists have warned the legalization of civil unions and "gay marriage" would have a widespread negative impact on religious liberty, affecting not only some adoption agencies but also the tax-exempt status of religious organizations, the religious liberty of private businesses and curriculum in elementary schools.
If you thought that gay marriage would not bring any harm to you, you are deluding yourself. Just check the new law in California, where now it is mandatory to teach "gay history" at school.

If you consider yourself "tolerant", don't expect the toleration to be reciprocal.

Many children living on or under the poverty line in the USA

If children are raised in poverty, it means you will have a less productive society. Watch this next video in this series.

Watch the full episode. See more PBS NewsHour.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Academia gone mad/evil

Sometimes academics come up with weird things. This news shows that this is one of those things that should never be supported, yet, there are some who are willing to excuse Pedophilia, even promoting it as a sexual orientation:

….classifies pedophilia as simply another sexual orientation and decries the “stigma” attached to pedophilia,…

Totally disgusting and incredible. But we have been here before. Decades ago, academics and lobbyists did the same things in order to normalize homosexuality.

… similar lobbying, then by homosexual activists, led to the declassification of homosexuality as a mental disorder in 1973 in the DSM. As a result of the DSM declassification, debate regarding homosexuality and the many documented harms associated with the homosexual lifestyle has been all but shut down in academic psychological circles.

This is a trend which we must guard against. You can read more about it here.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

So much fuss about a window. N. T. Wright and reading of Scripture

I got to know about this video through a blogger that totally despises N. T. Wright.

I wonder how what he says on the video attacks the Reform faith. So, it is not right to read the whole of Scripture, just those parts that agree with you. If this is right, then now I understand how some hardline Reformed hate Wright so much.

I like what Scott McKnight has said, that when someone criticises Wright, it is more likely that there's something wrong with the one criticising.

Here it's the video, hope we can all learn from Wright.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Is the USA still the land of opportunity? Maybe for the rich.

In TV, we see that the USA is the land where everybody gets equal access to wealth, healt care and education. As it is almost always the case, reality and TV don't match.

Watch the full episode. See more PBS NewsHour.

Luther to the Tea Partiers

I will not quarrel with anyone about it, but I think it would be more fitting if there were no more begging in Christendom under the New Testament than among the Jews under the Old Testament; I hold that the spiritual and temporal authorities would be discharging their duty properly if they did away with all the beggars sacks.

Many in the Tea Party are conservative Lutherans. It will be wise for them to listen to their founder and leader on helping the less fortunate.

Monday, August 15, 2011

A brief guide on crucifiction

For those who like to read about the practice of crucifiction, here it's an interesting introduction.

I know it's gruesome, but this is how our Salvation was won.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Sesame Street stands against up Gay pressure

Let me commend the producers of Sesame Street, for saying no to a petition that Bert and Earnie should marry.

"The recurring question of whether "Sesame Street" characters Bert and Ernie are gay has raised its head anew. And the answer from "Sesame Street" is, as always, a resounding no.

"Sesame Street" today posted the following statement on its Facebook page:

Bert and Ernie are best friends. They were created to teach preschoolers that people can be good friends with those who are very different from themselves.

Even though they are identified as male characters and possess many human traits and characteristics (as most Sesame Street Muppets do), they remain puppets, and do not have a sexual orientation."

Monday, August 1, 2011

Miley Cyrus responded properly

A good response by Dr. Jim West:

The pop music star and actress [Miley Cyrus] Tweeted “ALL LOVE is equal” on Friday, along with a picture of her new tattoo permanently supporting gay marriage. “Where does it say in the bible to judge others?” Cyrus Tweeted. “Oh right. It doesn’t. GOD is the only judge honey. GOD is love.”

First- all love isn’t equal. There are various sorts of love and ‘erotic’ love is the least sort.

Second, the Bible does indeed urge us to determine the rightness or wrongness of behaviour in both ourselves and others. Line after line and page after page God calls men and women to denounce the evils of society. Pick up a Bible, Miss Cyrus, and read any of the Prophets (assuming you can read). Furthermore, Jesus himself declared ‘by their fruits you will know them’. Naturally this means that we are obliged to observe the behaviours of others and call them to account when they deviate from God’s purpose.

Third, take a few minutes to look at Romans 1:24ff.

Fourth, no one among us is your ‘honey’ and we don’t appreciate being demeaned by your so calling us.

And fifth, God is love, but love is not God! And it’s reprehensible of you to make an idol out of authentic love.

It is a tiresome thing to hear again and again the wicked and defenders of wickedness cry out ‘don’t judge me’. That phrase is constantly repeated only by the guilty and those with a guilty conscience. We aren’t judging you, we are declaring your deeds evil just as the Prophets, Jesus, and Paul would.

Finally, stop attempting to use the bible to defend your perversity. If you aren’t willing to listen to it concerning your need for righteousness of life leave your hands off it altogether. It doesn’t belong to you, it belongs to those who believe.

For all these reasons, Miss Cyrus, here’s your Dilly. Wear it proudly. You definitely deserve it. And never speak of the Bible again.

Kosher Pork? Where is the love for the Law of the Lord?

Well, I had known that many Jews are secular, or humanistic, but this is a bit too far!!!!

Thank you Zwinglius Redivivus for making me aware of this.