Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The gay movement does it again. Now Penguins are gay!!

I've heard of many gay dolphins, gay giraffes, gay donkeys (and I've heard this one from my latin american friends), but now, we hear about gay penguins.... CNN reports on it:

Buddy and Pedro are two male African penguins at the Toronto Zoo who seem to have a connection — a very special, loving connection — that has zookeepers wondering if their relationship is more than just a bromance.
According to the Toronto Star, zookeepers have noticed that although Buddy, 20, and Pedro, 10, swim and play with the other penguins in their enclosure by day, they pair off and nest together at night as well as exhibit other telltale mating behaviours, such as touching, making braying sounds and defending their territory.Does this mean that Buddy and Pedro are gay? Not exactly, as the term doesn’t normally apply to animals. But according to research from the University of California, Berkeley, birds — and other animals, for that matter — are known to form same-sex relationships.
This reminds me of how Bert and Ernie, from Sesame Street, were also considered gay because they have been living together for more than 40 years, yet, sleep in different beds. You can see my entry on this here.

I talked to a family member who became gay after searing 3 kids, and he told me that the army was a gay institution, as well as the 12 apostles of Christ, and many other institutions.

This confirms to me, if you are gay, you see everything, but I mean, everything through that view. Sexuality, according to these people, is not a gift to enjoy, but a worldview to impose upon everyone, either by cultural domination (TV, radio, media, arts) or by lawful imposition (rejecting proposition 8 in the courts, although the people of California democratically voted for it, passing gay marriage through the courts, etc.). 

Many criticise me for bringing this issue time and time again, but if you have young kids, do you want them to hear that penguins are gay? From a kid's point of view, if it's ok for animals, why not for us? This type of news are trying to change people's mind, but kids don't have the maturity to stand up to this undercover brain washing. 

I give a plus to CNN, although they are liberal, that at the bottom of the page, gives an alternative story, that goes like this:
For a while, Roy and Silo, a pair of male Chinstrap penguins in New York Zoo, were the world’s most famous gay couple, building a nest together and even hatching and rearing abandoned chick Tango. However, this has been somewhat spoiled by a new study from the Center for Functional and Evolutionary Ecology in Montpellier, France which has suggested that penguins are only pairing up with other males because they are “lonely.” According to the paper, in the colony studied, where more than a quarter of the penguins were in (mostly male) same sex couples, a shortage of females was driving males with high levels of testosterone to engage in mating displays with other males. Professor F. Stephen Dobson, one of the authors of the study published in the journal Ethology, said that when he observed the colony over time he found that all the “gay” penguins chose a heterosexual partner eventually and that female pairs would also “split up” to raise an egg with a male partner. However, NewsFeed refuses to let this ruin the beauty of the romance between Roy and Silo
So, it's not that penguins are gay, but they are lonely.

In our sex driven culture, it would seem that all sorts of affections can be interpreted as a sex act. This news then, shows more what's in the mind of those who are praising these "gay" penguins, than what the penguins are doing themselves.

Luis A. Jovel

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