Sunday, September 9, 2012

For those who live in Los Angeles, a conference they can't miss

For those go to the Together for the Gospel, or the Wheaton Conference, this is a good opportunity for those of the West Coast to finally have a conference of their own.

Here are the details of the the conference, for those who may be interested in attending.

It is a topic that it is very close to me, Christology. The Conference is held by two of the most respected seminaries in the West Coast, Fuller Theological Seminary and Biola University.

Christology was the central doctrine articulated by the early councils, and it remains the subject of vigorous theological investigation today. The doctrine of Christ is a field of broad ecumenical convergence, inviting theologians from all denominational settings to fruitful collaborative exploration. In the contemporary setting, it is especially crucial for theologians to investigate the scriptural witness afresh, to retrieve classical criteria and categories from the tradition, and to consider the generative pressure of soteriology for Christology proper. This first annual Los Angeles Theology Conference seeks to make a positive contribution to contemporary dogmatics in intentional engagement with the Christian tradition. A panel of accomplished plenary speakers will survey the field and articulate the sources, norms, and criteria for constructive theological work.

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