Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How the Emerging Church is doing away with the Word and replacing it with entertaiment

Here are some examples why we need to be on the look out of this movement, and why so many people fall for it.

  • Services designed to be user-friendly and contemporary must change to services that are designed to be experiential and spiritual-mystical.
  • Stained-glass that was taken out of churches and replaced with video screens should now be brought back into the church on video screens.
  • Lit up and cheery sanctuaries need to be darkened because darkness is valued and displays a sense of spirituality.
  • The focal point of the service that was the sermon must be changed so that the focal point of the service is a holistic experience.
  • Use of modern technology that was used to communicate with a contemporary flare must change so that church attendees can experience the ancient and mystical (and use technology to do so)

This practice just takes them away from historical christianity, into a kind of New Age Christianity.

Let's not fall in the trap.

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