Saturday, November 17, 2012

Priest denies teen confirmation for supporting gay marriage. Good on him.

If you are a Roman Catholic, you must follow what your church teaches, or else, get out of it. If you see your faith as a club, that you can do and believe whatever you want, even there, in a club, are guidelines and expectations from members. So, don't complain if you are rejected confirmation.

One Catholic teen's Facebook post reportedly cost him his confirmation last month after a picture of him holding a sign urging people to vote for "equal marriage rights" was spotted by his priest at a Minnesota church.
Rev. Gary LaMoine of the Assumption Church in Barnesville, Minn., allegedly denied Lennon Cihak the religious rite of passage after seeing him online holding a sign altered to criticize the Minnesota Marriage Amendment, the Forum of Fargo-Moorhead reports. The amendment would have changed the state’s constitution to define marriage as between one man and one woman.
 If you go against your church position regarding mariage, why do you want to be confirmed in such a church? Either you want to destroy it from the inside, which is reason enough to be denied confirmation, or you don't understand your faith, and should be denied confirmation until it is proven that you have a proper understanding of it.

Lennon's mother, Shana told, the Forum that she was shocked to hear of the decision after she was called into a private conversation with the priest, according to the outlet.
However, the priest has since told the Associated Press that the teen was not in fact denied confirmation, but declined to explain, calling it an "internal and pastoral" matter.
The mother just doesn't care what her son believes, as long as he is given this rite of passage, and he is happy.

My admiration to this priest, who has a pastoral heart, and wishes for this teen to grow in the fear of the Lord.

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