Friday, February 24, 2012

Christians are persecuted in Muslim lands

This news has been going on for a while, but the martyrdom of this Christian pastor in Iran, looks like it's closer than ever:

A U.S. human rights group says it has received troubling reports that Iran may have issued an execution order for an Iranian pastor, who was sentenced to death because he refused to recant his Christian faith and return to Islam.
“At this point, we can confirm that he is still alive,” Jordan Sekulow, executive director for theAmerican Center for Law and Justice, told Wednesday evening.
 This is troubling, and calls us to pray for pastor Youcef Nadarkhani, and that his family can get out of Iran, so they won't be persecuted as well.

But of course, we can't expect the amount of grief from Christians as when Whitney Houston died. Christians have forgotten how their faith was forged, and that real heroes like pastor Nadarkhani, die without a wall post commemoration in their walls. Shame on you.

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