I had already talked about the signs of the true church, today, I would like to comment that I found an article reviewing N. T. Wright's latest book on Paul Justification: God's Plan and Paul's Vision. The reviewer is David Wenham, and the review is found in the Evangelical Quarterly 82.3 (2010) pgs. 258-266.
Wenham, in his review, studies how N. T. Wright sees faith the "badge" of the New Covenant, while he sees Paul considering the badge of the New Covenant as Baptism. This badge, would serve to let others know who is part of the people of God. Wright takes a similar, but different view of the badges or works of the law as Dunn does. Dunn sees the works/badges of law that Paul attacks as the rituals of circumcision, dietary laws, and other thinks that sets the Jews apart from the rest of humanity. These badges, in turn, set the people apart, and communicates to others who is in the covenant, and who is out of it.
Wright, sees the badge that the believer has is the faith he or she has in Jesus as his Lord and Saviour. Wenham feels that Wright presses this point too much in his book, and that another possible badge would be the "receiving of the Holy Spirit, which typically went with conversion.." pg. 265.
In my previous post, about the sign of the true church, I have given many biblical basis as to why I believe that what truly shows that we are part of the people of God today is the Holy Spirit. The error within some charismatic circles is that they confuse speaking in tongues as the true sing of having the Holy Spirit. Again, they fall in the same error of those who would be quick to reject my conclusion about the receiving of the Holy Spirit as the sign of a true church, and a true christian. We can only see the fruits as the proof of such indwelling. It is interesting that by speaking in tongues, the Corinthians did not have better ethics, since they wanted to show off their gifts, rather to used them for the benefit of the congregation.
Well, an interesting point I wanted to make in regards of my position regarding the sign, not only of the true church, but of what makes a christian believer stand out from the rest of humanity.
Luis Alberto Jovel
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