Monday, June 27, 2011

You Might Be an Evangelical Reject If… (Rejects – Readers’ Edition)

By Kurt Willems
…if you hear the word “Patriotism” and you think “idolatry.” (Dan Martin)
  • …you listen to the Fighting for the Faith podcast, watch Dr. James Oakley videos and read, but consider them in the same category as The Onion. (Adam Whitley)
  • …you believe more in the risen and living Jesus than you do in your own or your church’s dogmas about him. (Tucker Russell)
  • …you accept the historic creeds of the early Church as more authoritative than anything the Calvinists of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries ever wrote. (Jim Papandrea)
  • …you think the Catholics occasionally have something intelligent to say. (Simon Cozens)
  • …you love Scripture but believe that there is at least as much danger in Bibliolotry as transubstantiation, and possibly more. (Bob Chapman)
  • …you say “what does that mean in context” but your friends hear “I don’t believe in the Bible.” *doubt isn’t a four-letter word *your belief in the resurrection of Christ isn’t dependent on your views of Gen 1-11 (J. Byas)
  • …You don’t quote a bunch of dead theologians. (Watchman [@ Jesus Creed])
  • I am a reject because I reached out to the gay community in order to build bridges of reconciliation through acts of kindness and was criticized for becoming liberal. (Mark Lee Schnitzer)
  • …have puked when your pastor says, “The Bible says it, I believe it, and that settles it.” …have read “Sex God” or “Velvet Elvis” in a pew during a sermon. …take extended restroom breaks during services. (Jonathan Aigner)
  • …you might be an Evangelical Reject if you have ever said outloud that sometimes you question whether God really exists. (Pat)
  • …your definition of being “pro-life” doesn’t end in the womb (Stevemvcf [@ Red Letter Christians])
  • …have parents of their adult children that think their kids are part of a cult because they’re part of our house church and don’t attend a “real” church. (Scott Emery)
  • …You understand that your life should not be about you. (Rick, aka Dad)
  • …you aren’t comfortable being called a missionary and often use other descriptions like volunteer at _____ or worker with _______. (Juliane [@ Red Letter Christians])
  • …You think the Emergent Church has something to offer to the church. (Greg Dill)
  • …you’ve been told that you were slandering the bride of Christ because I wrote on a blog that Jesus is for social justice by our pastor. The pastor then called my husband and said “You need to control your wife and maker her submissive to you!” My husband laughed. (Kirsten Vogel)
  • I *know* I’m an Evangelical Reject. I had to start a secret FB group just to talk to people. (Jason Dye)
  • …you understand the word ‘repent’ to mean ‘to change your mind, change your course’, not ‘to scrape your face on the ground repeatedly at the feet of a faceless God who forgives you if you beg hard enough. (LightByGrace [@ Red Letter Christians])
  • …if you are more comfortable with questions than you are with certainty. (Ben Emerson)
  • …if you reject the idea that the work of the Cross was to satisfy God’s wrath against us. (Boe Hadden)
  • …you are going to the Wild Goose Festival this week. (Pam W [@ Jesus Creed])
  • …You’re angry that the right has commandeered the term “pro-life” while fighting unnecessary wars, promoting the death penalty, ignoring poverty, torturing terror suspects and touting gun rights. (Perry)
  • …if you want to throw back a shot of rum every time someone says the word “just” during prayer. (Charismanglican)
  • …you’ve been in a conversation where the other was appealing more to atheist Ayn Rand than actually biblical theology. (Drew [@ Red Letter Christians])
  • …if you listen to Christian radio stations to hear opposing viewpoints. (Grace [@ Red Letter Christians])
  • Thursday, June 23, 2011

    16 Best Apologetics Podcasts

    (most recent update June 23, 2011).

    1. Reasonable Faith - William Lane Craig - iTunes | Feed
    2. Defenders - William Lane Craig - iTunes | Feed
    3. Unbelievable? - Justin Brierley - iTunes | Feed
    4. Straight Thinking - Kenneth Samples - iTunes | Feed
    5. Stand to Reason - Greg Koukl - iTunes | Feed
    6. Please Convince Me - J. Warner Wallace - iTunes | Feed
    7. I Didn't Know That - Reasons to Believe - iTunes | Feed
    8. Issues, Etc. - iTunes | Feed
    9. Cross Examined - Frank Turek - iTunes | Feed
    10. Hope's Reason - iTunes | Feed
    11. Peter S Williams - iTunes | Feed
    12. Come Let Us Reason - Lenny Esposito - iTunes | Feed
    13. Just Thinking - Ravi Zacharias - iTunes | Feed
    14. Let My People Think - Ravi Zacharias - iTunes | Feed
    15. Christian Persuaders - iTunes | Feed
    16. Radio Show - iTunes | Feed

    Sunday, June 19, 2011

    You Might be an Evangelical Reject if you…

    Kurt Willems

    You’re uncomfortable calling other branches of Christianity “apostate.”
    You worry that those who cling to terms like “orthodox” often do so because they believe it to be synonymous with “Neo-Calvinism.”
    You have significant questions about controversial theological “hot button” issues of the days and are some-what comfortable with the subsequent cognitive dissonance.
    You’ve been asked to leave a church leadership position for philosophical / theological reasons.
    You had a “love wins” sticker on the back of your car before the book controversy was even thought of.
    You read theologians from all across the spectrum.
    You think that science and scripture both reveal God’s truth in complementary ways.
    You think that what we believe about the so called “end times” actually matters for how we do mission today.
    You know that living the truth is more important than defending it logically.
    You recognize culture wars as pathetic attempts for Christians to grab for power.
    You don’t use the word inerrancy to describe biblical authority because its too rigid a definition and a modernist categorical imposition on the Holy Spirit inspired Scriptures.
    You think women should do anything BUT be silent in the church. (Can I get an AMEN from my sistas?)
    You think that postmodern philosophy helps theology more than it hurts it.
    You drink alcohol sometimes (in public).
    You endorse someone that has been deemed a heretic by
    You believe that there are significant parallels between the Roman Empire of the 1stCentury and the United States of modern day.
    You believe social justice is central to the gospel of the Kingdom.
    You throw up a little in your mouth every time someone says that “the rapture is coming soon, so what’s the fuss with taking care of the planet? Lets save souls!”
    You’ve said “I’m not that kind of Christian…”
    You considered or actually voted democratic in the last two elections.
    You think that African American Activists have valid points when it comes to justice issues.
    You have gay friends.
    You’ve been in a conversation where the other was appealing more to theconstitution of the USA than actually biblical theology.
    You’re also an Anabaptist…