Albert Mohler, from whom I get many posts from, has written about the event two weeks ago, that Barbie turn 50 yrs old this month.
Why would this be of interest to the rest of us?
Barbie's origins were not as clear cut and innocent as the little girls it hopes to project her self. For example, Barbie was modelled after a sex toy from Germany. No wonder the body dimensions of the doll can be only achieved through surgery, and never naturally.
Both parents and feminist criticise this aspect of Barbie. Barbie projects herself as the ideal girl, with the ideal lifestyle. No girl of the age of 6 can have a car as flashy as Barbie's, or have a boyfriend as good looking as Barbie's. Of course, this is only child play, however, just as I long for a BMW due to my cars as a kid, many young women grow up and long to have the life style Barbie has. The difference is that they are flesh and bones, not as Barbie is, mainly plastic.
Barbie's ideals are not the ones that christian people hold. Starting by the fact, that outside beauty is not the pinnacle of a woman's existence. This is how the Bible defines a beautiful woman who does have wisdom:
Proverbs 11:22
Like a gold ring in a pig's snout
is a beautiful woman who shows no discretion.
I have two daughters, and those of you who have daughters, we would do well to teach our daughters to aspire, not to be like Barbie, but to be the best with the gifts God has given them.
For those interested in readig the article, you can find it at:
Luis Alberto Jovel