This is archbishop’s Morgan arguement for his position, “On the human side, the priest/bishop represents the Christian community to God and since the community consists of women as well as men, it is right that it {the episcopate} should be open to women as well as men.
"On the divine side since the priest/bishop represents the risen Christ who redeemed both men and women, ordaining women is a testimony to that redemptive inclusiveness.”
The article also reports that the archbishop is “totally convinced" by the theological arguments for the ordination of women bishops.”
The theological argument, if we take archbishop’s Morgan serious, is not based in the Bible. Rather, it is culturally driven or ideological driven. In the first place, he says that the priest/bishop represents the Christian community to God. However, Scripture says that it’s Jesus with his sacrifice that represents the Christian community:
1 Timothy 2:5
5For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,
If we still follow the archbishop’s “theological” argument, then, Jesus could not have been a man, but rather, an androgynous individual, since as archbishop’s Morgan view is, that the priest/bishop represents humanity to God, and this is made up of men and women. This is rather, a truncated view of Scripture, one that is driven by the culture and the pressure of that culture, rather than by Scripture.
Now, on the divine side, as archbishop Morgan says, he is even more wrong than on the human side. Ordaining women to the priesthood or to the office of the bishop is not a sign of redemption anywhere in Scripture. Rather, what we find in I Tim. 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9, is that men are the ones called, in this new redemptive era, to be the ministers of God’s people. If God and his inspired writers didn’t feel that ordaining women to the ministry was a sign of the new redemptive order, why should we in this 21st century? I Tim. 3:2 says that the bishop must be husband of one wife. Never had we read that the bishop must be wife to one husband. Why? It is Because God, in his word, the Bible, does not consider women ordained to the ministry as part of the new redemptive era.
This is what we get when those who are in places to guide the church, as archbishop Morgan is, use as their theological framework, not Scripture, but the ideas that are prominent in the culture.
Let’s stick to Scripture archbishop Morgan, and then we will all get proper and sound theology.
Luis A. Jovel