Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Bestiality brothels!! The lowest of the lowest kind.

I know of human brothels, but now, depravity knows no bound, welcome bestiality brothels!!!! Where can you find such a gross invention? Well, from the very land of the Reformation, Germany.

Animal sex abuse is on the rise in Germany, with bestiality brothels being set up across the country, according to a state animal protection officer demanding stronger laws to protect mankind's furry and feathered friends 
Madeleine Martin, the animal protection official for Hessian state government, said the law needed to be changed to make sex abuse of animals – known as zoophilia – a crime. 
“It is punishable to distribute animal pornography, but the act itself is not,” she told the Frankfurter Rundschau daily paper on Friday. 
Animal porn? that's another new one for me!!

There are even animal brothels in Germany,” she said. Sex with animals was being increasingly seen as a lifestyle choice, and thus more acceptable.  
Total madness!! So sex with animals is now a lifestyle??? And people always call us to be tolerant, but this is just too far!!! They reason that making it a lifestyle, it's ok.

“The abuse seems to be increasingly rapidly, and the internet offers an additional distribution platform,” she said.  
She said the justice authorities had found it exceptionally difficult to convict a man from Hesse, who had offered pictures and instructions for animal sex abuse over the internet. 
“Zoophilia must be completely banned in the reformed animal protection law,” said Martin, referring to the governments plan to rework that section of the law.  
Sex with animals was banned until 1969, when the animal protection law was introduced, but failed to include a specific ban on zoophilia, the Frankfurter Rundschau said.  
This laws just took too long to be introduced. And the man who is showing others how to abuse animals sexually....he should put pictures and instructions how he can be abused by psychos and less than normal people. At least he would be doing a conscious choice, while the poor animals, are being forced to have sex with humans against their own will, and nature.

People, who don't want to have sex with other people, but with animals. And all this from the land that I admire greatly for their technological and national advancement.

Well, I guess abundance makes that in you.

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