Saturday, June 16, 2012

Australia Awards Infanticide Guru Highest Civic Award (Totally Disgrace)

Peter Singer, is one of Australia's most influential intellectuals. So influential, that he has just won a Companion in the General Division of the Order of Australia, which is the country's highest civic award. 

This is a disgrace, as Wesley J. Smith, from the National Review Online reports. This is a number of the things that Singer proposes:

Singer supports using cognitively disabled people in medical experiments instead of animals that have a higher “quality of life.”
Singer does not believe humans reach “full moral status” until after the age of two.
Singer supports non-voluntary euthanasia of human “non-persons.”
Singer has defended bestiality.
Singer believes “speciesism” — viewing humans as having greater value than animals — is akin to racism.
Singer believes that animals should be given “equal consideration” with humans in utilitarian policy analyses.
Singer asserted that Australia’s greenhouse-gas emissions are morally equivalent to “waging aggressive war on Bangladesh.”
This is the man who Australia holds as one of its brightest stars??? I don't like the present Labour Government, it's a disgrace, and by putting out this sort of "honours" to people who think that a sheep has more right to life than a new borne baby, does not deserve even the solar light that he or she gets.

 In this case, Singer is the purest example of a vile individual.

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